Autor A. R. Dne 03/Sep/2024 :

    Tytuł : guter Akku, aber schlecht befüllbar und wird sehr heiß
    Komentarze : In dieser Preisklasse eines der besten Modelle. Allerdings kann man das Teil nur nüchtern befüllen da die Füllöffnung uneben ist. Es bleibt immer irgendwo Material hängen! Die Kapseln sind leider auch keine Hilfe da deren Gewinde innen enger ist als der eigentliche Füllraum. Zumal in die Kapseln fast nix reingeht... Der Luftweg bis zum Mundstück ist extrem kurz. Im Ergebnis bekommt man unangenehm heißen Dampf und ein entsprechend warmes Mundstück. Warum der eingebaute Standardakku nicht wechselbar ist erschließt sich mir ebenfalls nicht wirklich... es gibt quasi baugleiche Modelle bei denen das geht. Ich hatte auch schon mal einen üblen Displayfehler der aber den Gebrauch nicht beeinträchtigt hat und nach Neustart verschwand. Im Allgemeinen aber ein gutes Einsteigermodell. Wenn er teurer als die momentanen 70€ wird würde ich stattdessen ein Modell von Fenix/Wolkenkraft wählen.

    Autor D. T. Dne 11/Jun/2024 :

    Tytuł : Great vaporiser
    Komentarze : Tried it, absolutely in love. Especially for this price.

    Autor L. S. Dne 25/Apr/2024 :

    Tytuł : Bom custo benefício
    Komentarze : Um dos melhores

    Autor T. M. Dne 25/Apr/2024 :

    Tytuł : Parfait
    Komentarze : Service toujours excellent, bon vapo, je conseille !

    Autor S. V. Dne 18/Dec/2023 :

    Tytuł : Flowermate aura
    Komentarze : Un buon prodotto

    Autor J. N. Dne 27/Oct/2023 :

    Tytuł : Leafsniffer
    Komentarze : Workes perfectly fine and is not overly big. easy to store in your jeans pocket.

    Autor M. A. Dne 28/Sep/2023 :

    Tytuł : Good quality-price ratio
    Komentarze : The product is as been described in the web site. I have used it to vape dried herbs. The temperature can be regulated and it is pretty fast to reach the target temperature. The only cons is that it could become hot near the spout. I think it is a good product to start the vaping experience.

    Autor R. A. Dne 10/May/2023 :

    Tytuł : Nice product : )
    Komentarze : Good product, good pricing, (nice) high.

    Autor N. M. Dne 05/Apr/2023 :

    Tytuł : Hâte de recevoir ma commande
    Komentarze : Très bon produit et service rapide

    Autor H. B. Dne 20/Feb/2023 :

    Tytuł : Ln
    Komentarze : Livraison rapide correspond à la commande dommage qu’il n y a pas de fumé

    Autor L. S. Dne 20/Feb/2023 :

    Tytuł : funciona bem
    Komentarze : Foi o meu primeiro Vap estou muito satisfeito

    Autor S. M. Dne 13/Feb/2023 :

    Tytuł : Manza
    Komentarze : Produit conforme j'ai adoré

    Autor M. T. Dne 10/Jan/2023 :

    Tytuł : great
    Komentarze : its heat up fast, easy to use , and delivered in a sold box and a nice store object 🔥👍

    Autor Z. B. Dne 19/Oct/2022 :

    Tytuł : Great service
    Komentarze : This is my second Aura Flowermate, I lost the first one after one year. After some research I decided to buy the same one again, didn't find a better one for this price. Fast delivery, good service, aaand received a quality grinder as a present. Really needed that so thank you! :)

    Autor S. E. Dne 31/Aug/2022 :

    Tytuł : Reicht für den Anfang
    Komentarze : Ist jetzt kein Topmodell, das Mundstück wird ziemlich schnell heiß und das Befüllen lässt auch zu wünschen übrig aber ansonsten top

    Autor G. S. Dne 21/Jun/2022 :

    Tytuł : Ottimo
    Komentarze : Top

    Autor A. L. Dne 12/Jun/2022 :

    Tytuł : letsgogo
    Komentarze : super vapo, les effets sont aussi bon qu'un splif, le tout ça sans! il faut juste penser à le recharger toutes les 2 utilisation car ça tire pas mal sur la batterie...

    Autor T. T. Dne 30/May/2022 :

    Tytuł : Tudo funciona como esperado
    Komentarze : Produto de ótima qualidade! Depois de se adaptar com o funcionemto é só curtir !!

    Autor G. D. Dne 08/May/2022 :

    Tytuł : Monsieur
    Komentarze : Super service, produits de qualités et livraison rapide ! Très heureux avec Royal Queen Seeds !

    Autor P. B. Dne 01/May/2022 :

    Tytuł : Flowermate Aura
    Komentarze : This vaporizer is very good ,containers for herbs oil etc. quick heat and ready to go .recommended 👍🏼

    Autor J. D. Dne 28/Apr/2022 :

    Tytuł : Bonusk
    Komentarze : Superbe ustensile, parfait et fiable. Bon prix.

    Autor I. S. Dne 19/Apr/2022 :

    Tytuł : Top
    Komentarze : Adorei.

    Autor D. V. Dne 18/Apr/2022 :

    Tytuł : Into several weeks of use
    Komentarze : I like this product alot, heats fast, can put in a decent amount.

    Autor R. P. Dne 05/Apr/2022 :

    Tytuł : Works fine
    Komentarze : Heats up quick, easy in the hand, good filters

    Autor J. G. Dne 03/Apr/2022 :

    Tytuł : Moneys worth
    Komentarze : Works Great, I really like this product.

    Autor H. G. Dne 29/Mar/2022 :

    Tytuł : Aura vap
    Komentarze : Still trying to figure out what to do about this vap 😅

    Autor S. M. Dne 24/Mar/2022 :

    Tytuł : Sabrina
    Komentarze : J'ai acheté ce vaporisateur et c'est génial, en plus j'ai reçu un grinder et 3 graines , je suis hyper satisfaite, il faut chauffer juste à point comme le manuel l'indique

    Autor V. V. Dne 16/Mar/2022 :

    Tytuł : V.D
    Komentarze : Good vaporizer, heats up pretty quick. Free durable grinder and some northern light auto flower came with the orde. Thumbs up! Let's find some thc oil for the thing :)

    Autor S. K. Dne 01/Feb/2022 :

    Tytuł : Tökéletes
    Komentarze : Kivallo termék,csak ajánlani tudom 🙃🙂

    Autor T. S. Dne 17/Jan/2022 :

    Tytuł : Günstiges und gutes Einsteigergerät
    Komentarze : Ideal für einsteiger, klein und Handlich. Einfache Bedienung. Für Liquids und Blüten geeignet.

    Autor P. K. Dne 04/Jan/2022 :

    Tytuł : Works fine
    Komentarze : Ive got no complaints. Used with dry herbs and depening on dryness I felt maxing heat was necessary. The chamber is a wee bit small for a daily smoker.

    Autor W. R. Dne 16/Dec/2021 :

    Tytuł : NoMoreWar
    Komentarze : Dit is ideaal, nooit eerder een vaporizer met wiet geprobeerd, maar perfect. Geeft amper geur af en daardoor prima in huis te gebruiken. Temp is te regelen en dat is ideaal. Mondstuk kan wel eens wat heet worden, maar niet hinderlijk of pijnlijk. Zeker aanrader deze vaporizer.

    Autor E. C. Dne 30/Nov/2021 :

    Tytuł : 😍
    Komentarze : Gave up smoking tabac one year ago and I was mixing my weed with damiana tea or herbal mix but the smoke was irritating my throat & sinuses I am a beginner with vapes so I though to try this one before investing in a better one. This vape meets my needs and after I used it I started realizing the benefits..super easy to use, it’s easy to clean, no mess(ash) no smoke smell in the room, no after tase in your mouth and great for nonsmokers. If you use the wax/flower chamber you ca do microdosing and the ceramic one for a bit higher quantity. I love that it comes with a grinder which seems pretty sturdy, plus the seeds… whatever, it’s a good deal 😝

    Autor F. L. Dne 15/Nov/2021 :

    Tytuł : Vapo
    Komentarze : Primer vapo, excelente ;) Con unas NL de regalo! Recomendado...

    Autor J. T. Dne 30/Jul/2021 :

    Tytuł : Julie T.
    Komentarze : Le vaporisateur a l'air solide, de bonne qualité. À la première utilisation, je n'ai malheureusement pas senti grand chose. Je pense que l'herbe n'était pas assez sèche car il n'y a pas eu du tout de vapeur et peu de sensations. J'ai dû aller sur internet pour trouver une notice en français car c'est uniquement en anglais dans le pack reçu... J'attends de le réutiliser avec une herbe bien sèche, pour voir les effets sur mes douleurs chroniques.

    Autor F. M. Dne 18/Jul/2021 :

    Tytuł : Felix
    Komentarze : Der Vaporizer funktioniert echt richtig gut auch der Akku hält drei Ladungen locker aus. Das einzige was nen bißchen nervt ist das sich der vaporizer alle 5 min ausschaltet wenn man nicht drauf achtet

    Autor O. B. Dne 16/Jun/2021 :

    Tytuł : Oliv
    Komentarze : Bon produit, super goût de fleurs, manque que la fumée dommage. Dans l'ensemble bon produit. Merci RQS .

    Autor L. S. Dne 04/Jun/2021 :

    Tytuł : Vape
    Komentarze : Meu primeiro vaporizador, até agora, muito boa experiência. Material de boa qualidade, aquece rápido, bateria com boa duração, bocal aquece um pouco, mas no geral, é um bom produto e ajuda muito na redução de danos. Produto com bom custo beneficio, discreto, fácil de guardar e limpar, poderia ter uma câmara para ervas um pouco maior, mas ela é suficiente. Até agora, muito boa experiência, recomendo. O grinder que foi oferecido é excelente.

    Autor H. H. Dne 03/May/2021 :

    Tytuł : Okay for the price
    Komentarze : I was expecting more toast n roast but this will do also. Good for the price.

    Autor N. P. Dne 07/Apr/2021 :

    Tytuł : Tata Nat
    Komentarze : Vaporisateur d'entrée de gamme plus que correct. Attention tout de meme au pas de vis un peu fébrile.

    Autor T. M. Dne 06/Apr/2021 :

    Tytuł : lovely
    Komentarze : nice vap battery delivere 10 rounds ..small light ..hands free ...when long press start button start to heat or cool down (this funcion its not in manual) 5x press safe shut down .. vape good nice taste (take small hits "size of that chamber" and wait for few seconds for next hit rather than pull on it like madman inhaling nout but hot air which will eventualy iritate lungs and make u coff.)... in 5 minuts go off when u already drop it or stare anyway and the material its vaped so nice batery saver some find enoyng but i like worries just enjoy and if want vape more press long thestart button and temp start rise .. i putt screen under flower and over it ..the screen in the mouthpiece i put away got fast full of resin and clog ...the mouthpiece its ok but ..i can see how it crack easy ..tread and superglue will fix it ..i think though i will drill it biger holle and insert some sort of tip glass or wood ..its working well though ..i vape about 200-215C and if u take small hits nice and slow its not heating or burning but i can see how easily can if smoked hard and long puffs ..overal happy with it got nice grinder from RQS so happy am i :)thx

    Autor K. V. Dne 06/Apr/2021 :

    Tytuł : Klaus
    Komentarze : Bin nicht so damit zufrieden, Erstens wird das Mundstück ziemlich heiß U man muss zu feste daran ziehen..hab es auf verschiedene Arten versucht.. leichtes Ziehen.mittel dann Paffen wie ne Pfeife..U ist irgendwie zu wenig zu füllen..

    Autor A. E. Dne 01/Apr/2021 :

    Tytuł : ael
    Komentarze : Excellent produit. Beau design, belle finition. Et très bon prix. Je débute avec la vap alors je ne dois pas apprécier tous les aspects du produit encore. Le grinder offert avec est tip top aussi ! Et les trois graines auto ne sont pas de trop ;). Merci RQS !

    Autor T. B. Dne 02/Mar/2021 :

    Tytuł : Excellent for sensitive throats
    Komentarze : I have a problem with throat and sinus infections and regular joint/water pipe smoking burns the heck out of my upper respiratory tract. I bought a dry herb vaporizer in hopes of finding an alternative and, dang, this thing is the only device I'll use. Also, it significantly reduces the 'hangover' if you're stuck with poor quality weed. It doesn't work so well with dry tobacco, though. Leaves a nice taste but the tobacco high just doesn't work. Stick with weed in this case.

    Autor N. M. Dne 25/Feb/2021 :

    Tytuł : Aura flowermate
    Komentarze : Fantastic vaporizer, was my 1st one and I am delighted. Plus it’s helping me to reduce massively my tobacco smoking in joints which are becoming by now almost pure spliffs- the amount of tobacco I’m putting is really minimal. Starting to enjoy more truly the smoking of cannabis and not smoking weed mixed with tobacco, not to mention the impact on my throat. On top of the vape I got to receive 3 more seeds + an amazing grinder!!! One I’ve never seen before! Top top quality! So I’m really happy with the buy and strongly recommend

    Autor D. H. Dne 11/Feb/2021 :

    Tytuł : Excellent
    Komentarze : Brilliant item for a great price, definitely using RQS again

    Autor S. T. Dne 10/Feb/2021 :

    Tytuł : Vape
    Komentarze : Excellent vape. Light, easy to use, good battery life abs less smoke.

    Autor É. C. Dne 27/Jan/2021 :

    Tytuł : Meu primeiro vaporizador
    Komentarze : Foi a primeira vez que utilizei um vaporizador e achei muito bom, e muito melhor do que fumar, e mais saudável. Recomendo.

    Autor L. A. Dne 22/Jan/2021 :

    Tytuł : Vaporizzatore
    Komentarze : Utile..molto pratico. ..

    Autor J. P. Dne 11/Jan/2021 :

    Tytuł : First vaporizer bought - Flowermate Aura
    Komentarze : Well, for those who never smoked in any vaporizer and is used to burn smoking your cannabis joint's, you will feel a huge diferent, specially in the smoke itself. I thought the amount of smoke would be the same but no way.. Flowermate Aura have a very good performance in general comparing the price to other's vaps. Perfect for day time to do your task's since the high, in my opinion, is much more smooth, you don't feel soo top high comparing to joint smoke. The taste of your cannabis will feel 50x better and you don't warm your lung's comparing to joint smoking. Flowermate battery life is long lasting and the pen feels very soft handle it. The downside is that the vaping feel's only a real vape in the first blow, after that, the other's feel slighty smoother or even no smoke at all (even in the higher temperature 230c°). Even with no 'smoke' in the air, deppending in the condicion of your weed and the temperature of the pen of course, the Flowermate give you a very good, clean high, a super flavor and a hyper health increase. For me was very worth it, I'm very happy with the product.

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