Ogórecznik Royal Guardians
Tytuł : Hynek
Komentarze : Rychlost. Z jara až zasádím uvidíme.
Tytuł : Midnight toker
Komentarze : This plant is a pleasant refreshment of the garden. I have the impression that other plants also like it. I was surprised that it is quite a powerful, nice surprise.
Tytuł : qualidade ótima
Komentarze : Fácil germinação e muito bonita
Tytuł : Great cover!!!
Komentarze : I recommend using this plant as a cover when growing outside. The plant it self is poisonous, so don´t consume it. Very bushy type. If you plant this out to your garden, it will remain there forever. I recommend pots, and take care that the borage officialis will not cover your entire backyard, by taking out the seeds after flovering. Good plant. Be careful.
Tytuł : Super Borragine
Komentarze : Semi da combattimento. Ci sono stati cambi climatici repentini e loro sono sbocciati e cresciuti lo stesso. finora i semi migliori.
Tytuł : Izumy
Komentarze : Fast growth
Tytuł : BehindTHeCorner
Komentarze : Wow ces graines ont vraiment germées en 24 heures. Et quasi toutes ont pris!
Tytuł : Awesome
Komentarze : Looking very healthy plants and growing fast.
Tytuł : Plantas
Komentarze : Crescem Rápido
Tytuł : Mignone et pas chère
Komentarze : Un peu de bleu dans un monde de brutes.
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